Actor involved in the Social and Solidarity Economy and Circular Economy, ATMOTERRA assists the Association Bout à Bout to study the feasibility of a refundable glass bottle chain in the Pays de la Loire region. This collaborative and co-constructed study will allow the rebirth of refundable bottles in the region as well as the transition towards a sustainable and solidarity economy.
In the context of energy transition at the national level, with, in particular, the incentive to set up a circular economy (refundable containers are mentioned in the Energy Transition Law and in Article L. 541- 1 of the Environmental Code), aiming at reducing the impact on natural resources and reducing the waste produced by our consumption patterns is a priority.
Abandoned a few decades ago, on the grounds of optimizing the selective collection of household packaging, the refundable glass bottle became more interesting with multiple environmental benefits: reduction of energy, reduction of CO2 emissions, …
The need
In the Pays de la Loire, the Association Bout à Bout has been experimenting with this approach for several years.
The idea is to structure this first experiment by intensifying the approach with new players and massifying the flow of bottles to make their reuse a reality and to perpetuate the sector on the Pays de la Loire region.
The development of the chain will have to take into account the economic constraints but also the environmental benefits and social equity. Emphasis will therefore be placed on the integration of environmental-friendly transportation and job creation (in particular through social integration).
Our approach
We have proposed an integrated and transparent approach, allowing us to study different alternatives and opportunities by considering the advantages and limitations in this global approach. This study is therefore particularly evolutionary.
This approach is co-constructed with the various actors though Working Groups (consumers, local authorities, producers, wine merchants, restaurateurs, etc.).
In order to facilitate innovation, collaboration and adaptability of the project, ATMOTERRA has set up an agile and collaborative project management platform. ATMOTERRA’s expertise in the field is complemented by the expertise of Agnès Delamare (EICO Systeme) and Francois Cabaret (LOGSOLIS) for the industrial ecology and logistics aspects.
This study is financed by the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME).
Find out more:
Association Bout’ à Bout – http://www.boutabout.org/
Photos & logo (c) Association Bout’ à Bout & Dan O’Cker